Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Editing Begins!

Today i began editing the title sequence, there are 33 clips 34 including the one of the clock the aim is to create a title sequence with a soft feminine feel. To attain this goal i feel that a range of fade edits will need to be used as well as a variety of opacity effects on the clips to achieve a layering of clips. In the two hour lesson today i have managed to drag eight clips in and added cross fades and additive fades to the beginning and end of each. Due to the length of some clips rendering took up at least a quarter of the lesson, in this case i didn't complete as much as i had wished nevertheless a starting point has been made.

Thursday, 10 January 2013


Today we completed most of our filming, we shot everything but the clock face which we are still in search of.  Filming took about 90 minutes as we had to re-shoot a few frames. We waited until it was about 4:30 because we wanted our lighting to be just right, a slight glow however not too dark. Due to this focus on light  we only had limited time to complete all filming before it got dark. Thankfully we just managed to do it which was a relief. Shooting was rather enjoyable and i believe successful too. All shooting was completed in Daisy's kitchen, at her wooden dining table. Before any filming took place we cleared the table completely and laid out a tray with candles on it, a joss stick in a holder/ashtray, a glass lamp which we regarded to be quite futuristic, the notebook in which Arrow writes the letter and a pen. We placed the chair where Daisy and Todd sit in front of the window so we could get as much natural light as possible in the shots. This was also done because Daisy's kitchen window sill is full of pretty ornaments, we thought this would be a nice backdrop in the title sequence. Both of our actors (Daisy and Todd) were very focused and surprisingly not very giggly at all. This was great because there were very few outtakes, id say there were about 6 maximum. One problem we did come across was that daisy had to write the letter whilst we were filming, because of this we feel the content of the letter isn't as good as it could have been. overall though the filming of our title sequence was a positive experience. here are some photos of the setting we used and different positioning we played about with:

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Final song choice

From the online questionnaire we posted online a few weeks ago it has become quite clear which piece of music has been thought to fit our genre the best. It has finally been decided which piece of music we should use for our title sequence, its a piece called curiosities which we found on Im glad this piece was most popular because for one it suits the atmosphere we hope to create very well. Also this piece of music has more variety than the others and in this case is less likely to become boring than the others.

Typography 2

We have now agreed to use this font for our titles because it is easier to read than my previous choice however it still looks very much like handwriting. Because it will be difficult to copy this font exactly we have decided to print it onto good quality paper and perhaps go over it in pen/pencil to give it more of a natural feel. This is how we will construct the letter written by Arrow to Finn.

The next step.

We met with Miss Whittaker on monday and discussed our title sequence and our progress so far. We came across a few problems with our original story board idea and had to take out the part we planned where the titles appear on a notebook because of its impracticality. Also we discovered it could be too time consuming which may result in missing the deadline. Another problem we came across with this was that these titles would have been of the lesser actors in the film and at this point these names would be the main focus. Leanne also noticed that we didn't have a wide enough rage of different shots and camera angles, so that was something we needed to take into account and change. In the next post i will show you our new story board and new ideas. Due to this being taken out i will no longer have to search for invisible ink and therefore i need to be appointed a new job.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Invisible Ink

When i typed in invisible ink to you tube a few different options appeared. invisible ink which is visible with a UV light, making invisible ink from lemon juice and disappearing ink which involves phenolphthalein and an acid based reaction. Originally we wanted to buy a pen which makes a mark then disappears and reappears but apparently this does not exist. In this case we may either have to find a way to make this ink or edit the text accordingly. Below there are a few videos which show these methods. 

invisible ink- Phenolphthalein

invisible ink- UV light.

invisible ink lemon juice

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Order of Titles

When a title sequence is being made it is very important to show the titles in the correct order, this order is as follows;

-Studio Logos
-Production company presents
-Film Title
-Actors Names
-Any of the following;
  -Special effects
  -Sound editor
-Line producer
-Executive producer
-Director of photography

Production Plan.

it has been discussed amongst the group which jobs are necessary and who each job should be appointed to. things like location and props came up in this chat, so here's the official plan.

We decided that the best possible location we could use would be daisy's house. Being daisy's house there will be no need for permission inquiries or fuss. We believe that of all the houses we could possibly use Daisy's has the best atmosphere and lighting to suit our idea. Also another perk of using Daisy's home is that most if not all the props needed are already there which avoids alot of hassle and difficulty.

Here are a list of props that we plan to use;
-Desktop lamp
-Chair (preferably wooden)

-Finn will be played by Todd Harding (student)
-Arrow will be played by Daisy Preston
These two were chosen because we know them and of all the people we do know they are most similar to our original cast of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Rooney Mara.

We decided that around 4 O'clock would be a good time to begin filming. we feel this because by this time it will begin to get dark and this kind of natural lighting will fit the atmosphere we hope to create very well. This darkness may in a way build tension and could bring more emotion to our production. This is necessary because our title sequence is based around a very emotional goodbye.

Molly- molly has been given the job as Director.
Daisy- daisy is our Producer.
Sean- i have been put in charge of finding ways to make or purchase invisible ink.