Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Final Ideas

This image shows the quick write up of our final ideas, these are very similar to our brainstormed ideas. Our title sequence keeps a similar pace throughout which is relatively slow-motion. Our sequence begins with our main character Arrow writing a letter to her husband along with this image scribbling sounds and sniffling is heard. This frame then fades to her Finn (the husband) reading the same letter. From the start a soft piano piece plays with a quiet steady ticking sound which gradually gets louder and faster. We then decided the next shot is a close up of the letter as if the audience were looking from Arrow or Finn's perspective. As tears fall on the page a title will appear, slowly we scroll down the page as more tears fall and more titles appear. To do this we plan to use invisible ink. Once all the titles have been shown the page will flip and reveal the last line which is something like "I'm sorry, I Love You". To end the title sequence we would like the page to burn out from the middle, revealing the title of the film underneath.

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